
If History Repeats Itself, the 2020s Will Be a Great Decade

~ written by Cody Collins The 1920s, 50s and 90s; what do these three decades have in common? They were all periods of prosperity in the U.S. that came after a major global downfall. Can we throw 2020 in there too? With the events that have unfolded from COVID-19, and the world coming to a halt, it seems like life will never be normal. But in time, life will go back to “normal,” even if it is a new normal. In “recent” history there have been several examples of crises affecting most of the world. And COVID-19 is no different. But in those instances of crisis, prosperity followed, especially for the U.S. Take a deep breath, if history repeats itself , everything will be alright. The 1920s: Pandemic, Great Depression And War Everyone knows of the Roaring Twenties. The 1920s were filled with glitter and extravagance. The turmoil before this prosperity was two-fold though. Many hoped WWI would be the war to end all wars. That is how devastating and involved it was compared to wars past.

What I do think of the BLM protests as someone outside of the US

  I would like to give an opinion from one mildly affected by this issue mostly and from the perspective of what the experience seems to be from the blacks looking from outside the hot zone. I am a Nigerian, a black man of 23 and in my country, there's of course no racism since we are all of the same color. First of all, I will start with my country and the African bias in Africa  by Africans The opposite seems to be the case in some sense. For people who are in corporate industries, you'd see that those who study in the white man's country have advantages in employment in the workplace. It's common for the government to overlook their own people to give huge contracts to foreign companies and people even if we have the same level of expertise in the country. So I would say we are faced with a different type of racism or prejudice. Sometimes I wonder if the colonial era in the country twisted our minds so much that we can't seem to just appreciate our own. I'm s

13 ways to look smarter than you are

I'd admit, 8/10 most of the time, I'm not the smartest person in the room. It's not easy keeping up with the other high functioning grey matters, but the benefits of being smart are hard to ignore.  For one, you get to not be ignored. When you speak, people would listen and want to know what your opinion is.  There's also the fact that you stand out from the crowd at events, you get privileges in the workplaces, schools and are easily accepted; I don't need to preach about the benefits of popularity. People give you this respect even when they don't know much about your life. You look smart, you seem important and you're treated with respect. What if I say I can tell you how to look smart, gain all the perks without having to sleep with textbooks every night, and being Einstein's prodigy. ( Don't worry, I'd tell how to be his prodigy later, lol ) Like the saying goes in the movie Forrest Gump , "Smart is as smart does". You are smart i

What eating habits should I adopt| The concept of eating right

I was thinking recently about what it means to eat right. Looking at an icon that died recently from colon cancer (Chadwick Boseman), I thought to myself, cancer has become a real scourge to the world, and one of the major causes is related to what we eat. This thought led me to think to myself if I really was putting the right stuff in my body.  You see, most of what we eat, which we most times seem not to track goes beyond just causing terminal health issues like cancer, diabetes, etc, in the long run; its also linked to mood swings, digestive problems, how we look outwardly, aging and so on.  So I did some research about 'everything eating', and I will share with you  some of the secrets I discovered. Read on to discover healthy eating habits you should know for a much healthier approach to life.   What constitutes a healthy eating habit? So what really makes a healthy eating habit. I pondered this question a lot. If I am to start eating right what should I be focusing on? I

Roots| Not knowing your native language in Nigeria

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was stressed out and just sat out in the veranda with the comfort of my dog just trying to relax. Then I heard this bang at the gate. With a frown, I got up to go check who was disturbing my blissful moment.  Here comes this guy around his 60's. He said he had worked here some time ago and while he was still telling me why he came, out of the blue, he started conversing in my Igbo dialect.   I don't speak Igbo, so it was really nerve-rattling for me... It wasn't the first time but that never stopped the feelings of illegitimacy in some sense. To cut the long story short, while he was trying not to embarrass me more by deflecting back to our dialect... He just blurted out this question. Are you not Okonkwo's son, why can't you speak... And before I could utter a word... He emphatically, with a tone of finality said- You've lost your Roots! How did it happen? Back in the days, we used to speak in our native dialects w

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